
Firm Announcements and Law Updates

A Message from our Senior Partner . . .

Besides our Wills and Estates practice which involves both estate planning and estate litigation and our representation of small colleges and universities, our firm specializes in creditors’ rights, debtor relief, commercial litigation and commercial bankruptcy.  We are a “boutique” firm which limits our firm’s practice to these areas.

In these extraordinary times, and as our lawyers have done for many years including during the Great Recession of 2009-2010, we stand ready to help entrepreneurs and small business with debt problems created by the COVID-19 fall-out or otherwise.  Our facilities are “high tech,” and we can set up a video conference with new clients.  There is no need to come to our office.

Remember that banks and other lenders are not necessarily your “partner” or your “friend.”  And bankruptcy is a last resort remedy and not the first.  Before you sign anything, seek legal advice from a qualified professional.

If we can be of help, please call anyone of us.  Stay well and safe.

Gus H. Small is the senior partner of Small Herrin, LLP.  Gus focuses his practice on bankruptcy and commercial litigation matters. Gus may be reached by telephone at 770.881.8281 or by email at gsmall@smallherrin.com.

Copyright © 2020, Small Herrin, LLP